Some of the products that we have tested:
- Water and waste-waters;
- Trade effluents;
- Marine ballast water;
- Bunker fuel oils;
- Lubricating oils;
- Environmental air filters and monitors;
- Sanitizers, detergents and disinfectants;
- Pharmaceuticals;
- Cosmetics;
- Bottled water, energy drinks, beverages and fruit juices;
- Raw Meat and Meat products;
- Milk and Dairy products;
- Sugars, syrups and molasses;
- Flour and Bakery products;
- Poultry and Egg products;
- Herb and Spice products;
- Frozen Seafood/Marine products;
- Canned products (such as meat, fish and vegetables);
- Agricultural commodities grading;
- Coal, coke and charcoal;
- Vegetable and cooking oils.
Other related scientific and laboratory services that we offer are:
- Sampling and investigations;
- Pollution and environmental measurements;
- Checking net and gross package weights, up to 60kg;
- Chemical consulting;
- Consulting to the insurance and legal professions;
- Routine Quality Control and Quality Assurance on raw materials and finished products;
- Manufacture and supply of specific laboratory reagents and chemical solutions;
- Formulations;
- Referee and independent lab tests or the witnessing of tests in other laboratories on behalf of clients;
- Issuing of Certificates of Analysis;
- Skills training in laboratory techniques and practise;
- Product endorsements;
- Consulting for Laboratory Accreditation ISO 17025, or independent auditing.
We offer testing of the following products:
- Water and waste-waters/trade effluents;
- Swimming poolwater and spas;
- Bottled water, energy drinks and beverages;
- Fruit juices, cooldrinks and concentrates;
- Raw Meat and Meat products;
- Milk, cream and processed Dairy products;
- Sugars, syrups and molasses;
- Beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic;
- Flour and Bakery products;
- Poultry and Egg products;
- Herb and Spice products;
- Frozen Seafood/Marine products;
- Canned products (such as meat, fish and vegetables);
- Packaging materials, bottles, cans, sachets, cartons;
- Pharmaceuticals and nutriceuticals;
- Cosmetics;
- Disinfectants and sanitizer evaluations;